30 Days to a New Mindset Challenge

Have you tried to change? New diets, new healing treatments, new doctors - but you stay stuck where you are? You might feel a bit better for awhile, but it doesn't stick and pretty soon you are back to your comfortable ways.

Here's the deal!

Did you plan how you were going to be different after treatment? What tools and when? How were you planning to change the story of who you are now versus before?

You see, our brain looks for ways to validate our old story because it is safe. 

If you stay in the old story even after an amazing session, chances are you will revert back to your old patterns. 

You need to believe the new story in order to show up in a different way; in a way you can believe that you are healing.  

There are ways to change your story! Energy healing, subconscious reprogramming and constant space repetition for new beliefs.  Affirmations open our minds to new possibilities, new stories, new ways of showing up!

Stating them as "I am" personalizes them, makes it about us and not theoretical.

Having a routine or ritual helps us to make it a habit, create space, and keep it in the front of our minds. Kinda like rinse and repeat.

Let’s face it, you are going to have the chatter in your mind, so why not make it help you grow and flip the story to one that you want to be living? 

It takes 21 days for something new to become a habit.   

Here's to 30 days to a new mindset, new beliefs, new story of you!

From Flow with Dr. Joni

30 Days to a New Mindset Challenge

Changing your story so you can show up

in a better way!

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Joni Francisco

of Flow with Dr. Joni

I’m Dr. Joni and over the last 25 years, I have learned so much about self care, chronic pain, and how to create balance in your life.

I love helping my clients learn to put themselves FIRST and truly become the creator of their own life.

Life is all about ebb and flow, and once you understand how to be in a flow state, you will be amazed at your transformation.

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